Thursday, August 14, 2008

Product Review.. Oxyfresh ToothPaste and Mouthrinse

Time to do a product review here. I am using personal testimonies and those of close friends or people that I have met and have given me permission to share their testimonials.

First off, we know the products are totally excellent because they have been sold in dental offices all over the US and Canada for 25 years. I have met no one who did not love the dental products.

Do you love that fresh clean feeling when you leave the dentist after getting your teeth cleaned? I call it that slick feeling. Your mouth feels so fresh, it is a wonderful feeling. Well, when you use Oxyfresh dental products, your mouth will feel like that all the time. No morning breath, no slimy feeling in your mouth and consistently fresh breath. Go ahead and eat onions, garlic, leeks.. to your heart's content. Then use the Oxyfresh system, you will have no more bad breath.

We have a 3 step system, scrape with a tongue scraper, brush for one full minute, rinse with mouth rinse of your choice for one full minute. Your mouth will be sparkling clean and bad breath will be gone.

My testimony is my husband. He had horrible breath from constant sinus trouble. Now, he has fresh breath all the time. My neighbor had such bad breath, her children would not even kiss her good night. She had tried everything with no relief. Finally, I told her about Oxyfresh and she was leery of it because nothing else ever worked. It did take about 2 full days for her to see a difference and then her children would kiss her goodnight. This is an amazing story. She says she will pay $100 a tube for the toothpaste if she had to.

The best thing for you to do is try it for yourself. You will not be sorry. We have a 30 day unconditional money back guarantee (that is really never used) in case you are skeptical. If you really want fresh breath, no plaque build up on your teeth and no smelly morning breath, then give this a try. Your hygienist will thank you and she can be your first customer!!

To learn more about Oxyfresh Dental products click here

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